California’s $73B Budget Shortfall Sparks Major Concerns

California’s financial woes are escalating, surpassing initial projections. Initially, Governor Gavin Newsom anticipated a $37.9 billion shortfall for 2024-2025. However, updated data indicates the deficit could reach $73 billion. While the Legislative Analyst’s Office cautioned of a $68 billion shortage, the actual problem exceeds their estimations. Not Enough Money and Frustration Image Credit: Shutterstock / … Read more

Customers on Edge as AT&T Suffers Another Major Outage

AT&T customers have experienced their second major outage this year, adding to the list of issues that could drive users away from the telecommunications company. Major Outage Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mangostar One of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, AT&T, experienced widespread outages once again which continued for several hours. AT&T and Verizon Image Credit: … Read more

Fed’s Powell Warns High Holding Rates Could Hurt U.S. Economy and Jobs

Federal Reserve Bank chairman Jerome Powell is concerned about the high holding rates. He is deeply concerned that it would hurt the U.S. economy. As a result, this would affect businesses and households across America.  High Holdings Could Negatively Impact the Economy  In a two-day appearance at Capitol Hill, Jerome ‘Jay’ Powell, the Chair of … Read more

The Death of Free Banking? Chase Customers May Soon Have To Pay To Have A Bank Account

Do you bank with JPMorgan Chase? You might be in for a shock. Chase Bank’s Warning to Customers Attention Chase Bank customers: it might be time to hold onto your wallets after the head of Chase’s latest comments.  The Potential End of Free Banking Brace yourself because, according to Marianne Lake, new banking rules that … Read more

Dangerous Heat Waves Are Costing California Residents Billions of Dollars

As California’s average temperatures continue to rise, so does the frequency of heat waves. These extreme temperatures can cause not only health issues, but also financial burdens for residents and businesses. These costs will only get worse unless California officials find a way to mitigate some of the expenses. California Heat Waves The Fourth of … Read more