Hurricane Beryl Aid Delayed as Biden Hunts Down Texas Governor

Hurricane Beryl hit Texas with full force, leaving many residents without power as federal aid faced delays. President Biden claimed that Texas officials were unreachable during the storm, causing a setback in declaring the storm as a major disaster.

Texas Aid Arrives

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Federal aid for Texans affected by Hurricane Beryl ultimately arrived, following an official disaster declaration by the acting governor. The aid was used to support those without power or suffering from property damage.

A Late Request

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The federal request for aid wasn’t submitted until the day after the storm hit Texas’ coast. This delay has prompted criticism and discussion amongst Texas politicians and President Biden.

Federal Aid Qualifications

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Under the current federal law, states must first request the president to issue a major disaster declaration before federal aid can be released. These requests must come through the Governor.

Gov. Greg Abbott OOO

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At the time of the hurricane and request, Governor Greg Abbott was on an international trip to Asia for economic development purposes.

Dan Patrick Steps Up

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This means Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick was active governor in Abbott’s absence. The responsibility for the declaration and aid request fell to him.

Biden Speaks Up

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President Biden claims that his office tried to reach out to both Patrick and Abbott multiple times before eventually reaching them the day after the storm hit. He told the Houston Chronicle that he had to “track down” the leaders to get their request.

Communication Issues

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President Biden also shared that he immediately approved the declaration and would have done so earlier, if he had heard from Texas officials sooner.

Hurricane Beryl Arrives

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Many millions of people were left without power for two days, as temperatures rose well into the 90s.

Aid Follows

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Once the aid was approved, it quickly came for Texans. Biden clarified that resources by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were waiting on the ground “since well before the storm” but awaiting state request.

Services Available

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The available services included debris removal, repairing damages, and emergency supplies. The FEMA resources also included meals, water, and generators for those affected by the storm.

Patrick and Abbott Deny Claims

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Patrick and Abbott have both denied claims that the Governor could not be reached and stated on social media that these are false accusations.

Claims of Contact

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Although both Texas officials have denied being unreachable, they have not openly claimed that they tried to contact Biden. Rather, they argue that they needed more time.

Determining Needs First

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According to Patrick, officials needed to “meet with people in the impacted areas to see what’s needed and the level of need.” Others have found this to be a weak excuse for not submitting an immediate request. 

Rafael Lemaitre Voices Opinion

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Rafael Lemaitre, former national director of public affairs at FEMA, clarified that these declarations do not require thorough examination. Rather, state officials “can always amend their requests later” as new information comes to light.

The Golden Rule

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Lemaitre also clarified that governors are responsible for sending requests promptly, as time is of the essence during disasters. “The one thing you never get back during a response is time.”

Disaster Prep

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Disasters like these require intense prepositions ahead of the storm, rather than only responses afterward. The problem in this case was that the prep was made, but the official request meant aid was withheld for longer than necessary.

A Political History

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Texas officials, including Abbott and Patrick, have had a long and tense history with Democratic President Biden. Storms like this one and Hurricane Harvey have brought conversations about aid into the public spotlight.

“Red Tape” Slows Aid

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According to former Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, the Biden administration has intentionally slowed the distribution of aid by using “red tape” and “complex regulations.”

Texans Suffer Consequences

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Ultimately, Texas residents were the primary victims of these delays, as they were left without power and faced with damages in the middle of a hot summer. Political battles aside, the consequences of these situations fall on Texans.

Tragedy and Politics

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Events like these highlight how much our politics impact our daily lives. As Texans were left without aid, politicians were arguing about semantics. Either way, future reactions must prioritize state residents, not politics.

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