Iowa Program to Feed Kid’s Faces Backlash for Rejecting Federal Aid

Iowa is rejecting the federal summer EBT program to feed low-income families for the second time, in favor of its own program – and not everyone is happy about it.

Summer EBT

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The US Department of Agriculture has launched this year’s Summer EBT program, where low-income households will be given $120 per child to help purchase healthy foods over the summer.

Iowa’s Alternative

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However, some states have chosen to opt out of the federal program. Iowa, in particular, has proposed its own alternative to the Summer EBT, in the form of grocery boxes sent throughout the three months of summer.

Waiver Submitted to Divert Funds

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While the USDA has offered $29 million in federal funds to make those EBT cash payments, Iowa’s Department of Health and Human Services has submitted a waiver to use those funds for summer meal programs.

For a Second Time

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It will mark the second time that State Gov. Kim Reynolds has requested to opt out of the Summer EBT program.

Lack of Nutritional Focus?

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Last year, Reynolds announced that Iowa would not participate in the Summer EBT program, as the HHS believed the program lacked “a strong nutrition focus.”

Failing to Address Barriers to Healthy Food

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“No child should go hungry, least of all in Iowa, but the Summer EBT Program fails to address the barriers that exist to healthy and nutritional foods,” said HHS Director Kelly Garcia in a press release last year.

$900,000 State Funding

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Instead, the state spent $900,000 on competitive grants to expand pre-existing “summer feeding” programs to serve healthy meals and snacks to children through schools and community organizations.

Building Upon Its Own Programs

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In a public statement concerning the announcement, Reynolds confirmed that the state’s plan for 2025 was to “build upon that concept to promote food security and better health for more Iowa children.”

More Effective Than Federal Programs

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The state claims the funding could be more effectively used to expand existing infrastructure that feeds communities, as well as ensure that more nutritious food is provided for families.

Serving 300,000

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It estimates that its plans would serve 300,000 through summer 2025, compared to the 244,000 estimated under the Summer EBT program.

Expanding Eligibility and Accessibility

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It would expand the eligibility requirements to families that live at 200% of the federal poverty level, and it would also provide delivery options for families who struggle to access transport to pick up grocery boxes.

Other Benefits

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Garcia also believes the program would more effectively avoid inflation costs, provide more nutritional food, and allow the state to get the most value out of the federal funding for families.

Criticism Flows in

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Whether the waiver will be approved at the federal level is unclear. A number of critics – including the USDA – claim the proposed alternative would divert more funds away from low-income families.

USDA Speaks Out

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“[The Summer EBT program] is designed to tackle one objective: feeding kids at a time when we know hunger goes up,” a USDA spokesperson said in an official statement on Thursday responding to Iowa’s announcement.

“A Decade of Demonstration”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

“It is backed by a decade of demonstration projects and rigorous evaluation showing that it works to reduce child hunger and support healthier diets,” the statement continued. “It also provides families with the freedom to make their own decisions on what food is best for their unique needs.”

Does the State Know Better?

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The spokesperson went on to suggest that Reynolds and the Iowa government are asserting that “the State knows better than its own families do about what their needs are.” The response has some suspecting that the state’s request will not be approved.

Not the Only Critics

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The federal agency is far from the only group criticizing the State’s decision. State Democrats have previously blasted Reynolds for rejecting state funding for hungry families, and leaders of state social services programs have also spoken out.

Food Bank of Iowa Speaks

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Michelle Book, president of the Food Bank of Iowa, recently wrote a column for the De Moines Register urging Reynolds to opt-in to the 2025 Summer EBT program.

“Another Chance to Feed Iowa’s Kids”

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“We have another chance to feed Iowa kids,” Book wrote, in reference to last year’s decision. “Summer EBT is the most efficient solution to help children facing food insecurity during the summer months.”

“They Need It Now”

Image Credit: Pexels / August de Richelieu

“I’m grateful for the state support provided via the $900,000 summer feeding grant program,” she continued. “But our families need direct food assistance, and they need it now.”

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