California’s High Gas Prices Under Fire as Governor Proposes Stricter Oil Refinery Rules

Gavin Newsom, California Governor, asked state lawmakers to pass requirements that would make oil refiners keep a stable inventory. While the move could protect consumers in cases of fuel shortages, it could also backfire in cases of higher operational costs.

Newsom’s Newest Proposal

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California Governor Gavin Newsom wants to make state oil companies be more prepared for situations of unplanned maintenance. His newest proposal aims to address the state’s long history of high gas prices.

Protecting Consumers

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The key part of this proposal is that it would require refiners to have a stable inventory. This would prevent price spikes or shortages of fuel when maintenance is required.

Transparency Requirements

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As of last year, oil refineries have to provide detailed data on their operations, including pricing and production information. This move also set a cap on profits in the industry.

Profit for ‘Big Oil’

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Newsome clarified in a statement that “price spikes at the pump are profit spikes for Big Oil…by making refiners act responsibly and maintain a gas reserve, Californians would save money at the pump every year.”


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By forcing oil companies to maintain a stable supply, the idea is that refiners will not be able to increase prices for consumers in the cases when there is a lack of supply.

Newsom’s Rationale

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Newsom believes that unfair pricing practices would be exposed if refineries have to keep a stable supply. He believes that oil companies can inflate their prices without proper accountability.

Questionable Support

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This proposal was last-minute, leaving many Democrats unsure about where to place their support. While historic efforts have been made to increase transparency in the oil industry, this proposal has been met with some hesitation.

On-Going Discussions

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According to a spokesperson for Democratic Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, the office is “in ongoing discussions with the governor about his petroleum market’s oversight proposal.”

Criticism of the Move

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Some Republicans have questioned the decision as inauthentic, given the strict regulations California has for its oil companies. They believe there are better ways to lower prices, starting with fewer obstacles for energy.

The Opposition

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James Gallagher, Assembly Republican Leader blames policies for the high prices: “Democrats have imposed the strictest regulations and highest gas taxes in the country – and that is all reflected in the price at the pump.”

California’s History with Gas Prices

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Californians have had to grapple with high gas prices for a long time, partially due to the high state taxes and regulations imposed to help the environment. The goal of this proposal is to lower prices which may have been increased by regulations.

High Taxes

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While taxes have contributed to high gas prices in California, many of these efforts that have raised prices have also been made in an attempt to lower the environmental impact of so many cars on the road.

Potential Benefits for Californians

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Supporters of this move believe it could lead to lower gas prices if companies can no longer resort to price manipulation, but must instead be transparent about pricing decisions and keep a regular supply in cases of low supply.

Possible Drawbacks

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There is a risk that this mandate could not have the desired effect, especially if oil companies decide to pass on any of the operational costs onto consumers in the form of higher gas prices.

Impact on the Oil Industry

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The oil industry may have more concerns to worry about if these requirements cause serious changes to their operations. Depending on their current moves, they may also have to seriously think about future price changes.

Economic Implications

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If doing business in California becomes more and more costly, it could affect oil companies’ profits and competition. The future of the oil industry in California will already be impacted by the move away from gas vehicles, let alone new supply requirements.

Concerns About Supply Disruptions

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There are concerns that consumers may be faced with supply disruptions if companies can not meet the new requirements. This could make the state’s gas price issues even more severe.

The Road Ahead

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Democrats will need to decide the future of this proposal, and whether or not they want to push it through the legislature. Its success will depend on how it garners both support and opposition in the state.

Future Gas Prices in California

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California gas prices have been a long battle for Newsom, who must balance the interests of consumers with environmental goals. The proposal carries a risk: it could protect consumers, but it could also negatively affect the industry and Californians.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sheila Fitzgerald.

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