New Climate Rules for Gas-Powered Trucks are Firing Up Republican States

Two major lawsuits have been filed against the Biden administration and the state of California, in order to block new carbon emission rules affecting trucking and transportation industries.

Republican Double Lawsuit

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A number of Republican attorney generals are moving to sue the current administration, as well as the state of California, due to the new emissions restrictions being imposed on gas trucks and other heavy vehicles.

Led by Nebraska

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Both lawsuits were filed on Monday and publicly announced on Tuesday, and the group of attorneys is led by Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers.

Overturning EPA Rules

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Hilgers filed a petition on behalf of the group with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, in a bid to overturn the new​​ Environmental Protection Agency rule.

Objecting to New Climate Laws

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The first lawsuit, filed against the EPA and President Biden’s administration, objects to the new law requiring approximately 30% of all heavy-duty trucks to be emissions-free in less than 10 years.

Reducing Carbon Emissions Nationwide

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The goal is to reach this amount by 2032. If achieved, the EPA believes it will reduce nationwide carbon emissions by up to 1 billion tons in the following 30 years. The rule was finalized in March.

Suing the Golden State

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The second lawsuit was filed against the state of California, in the Eastern District of California. It moves against recent state climate change initiatives that aim to stamp out fossil fuel use in the state economy.

A Tough Approach to Climate Change

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Both the Biden administration and the Golden State have gone to great lengths to address environmental concerns in recent years.

Impractical Rules

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However, the coalition of Republican-led states believes these rules are at best impractical, and at worst, potentially devastating to the nation’s trucking industry.

Devastating Industries and Raising Prices

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These rules could “devastate the trucking and logistics industry, raise prices for customers, and impact an untold number of jobs across […] the country,” according to a statement from Hilgers.

No Trucking Charging Stations

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In a discussion with reporters Hilger also pointed out that these EPA goals were currently impossible to action in states like Nebraska, which has “not one trucking charging station” for EV trucks.

“It’s Not Feasible”

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“Trying to take that industry, which was built up over decades with diesel and fossil fuels-based infrastructure, and transforming it to an electric-based infrastructure – it’s probably not feasible,” Hilgers argued.

Relegated to California?

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While the EPA rules apply on a national scale, California lawmakers have argued that their newest emission-reducing rules are state-based only, as part of a mission to improve the quality of life for Californians.

Ramifications for Every State

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The coalition argues that the new state truck emission rules, which require 50% of all medium and heavy-duty vehicles to be emissions-free by 2026, will have ramifications for the entire country.

A Waystation for Shipping

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This is due to the important role that California ports play as a waystation for shipping around the country, as out-of-state transportation that regularly passes through the state will also be susceptible to new emission rules.

Phasing Out Vehicles

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The same can be said for another rule in California which will ban diesel-powered buses and big rigs from being sold in the state beginning in 2036, as part of their plan to phase out emission-heavy vehicles of all varieties.

“One Step Closer to Cleaner Air”

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“We’re one step closer to achieving healthier neighborhoods and cleaner air for all Californians,” said Governor Gavin Newsom in a statement discussing the new rules.

The Coalition of Red States

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As well as Nebraska the coalition of GOP states includes Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.

24 for One, 17 for the Other

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While all 24 states have joined the lawsuit against the EPA, only 17 have joined the California lawsuit, along with a trucking trade group.

Dismissing Their Authority

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All states involved in the lawsuits have moved to dismiss the authority of the EPA and the state of California, which they argue do not have “the constitutional power to dictate these nationwide rules to Americans.”

No Comment Yet

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So far the EPA has officially declined to comment on these recent challenges due to pending litigation.

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The postNew Climate Rules for Gas-Powered Trucks are Firing Up Republican States first appeared on Liberty & Wealth.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Vera NewSib.

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