US and Canada on the Brink as Rail Strikes Halt Billions in Goods

Workers are caught in the crossfire as labor disputes escalate, putting billions of dollars at risk in the US trade market. 

Canada’s Important Ports

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US trade is one of the biggest parts of its economy, and roughly 20% depends on Canadian ports. Furthermore, nearly 70% of goods docked in Canada are moved to the US by train to be traded.

The Conflict

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Workers began complaining about working conditions and even poorer bargaining conditions earlier this year. In May, they unsurprisingly began to call for a strike, which would cause the Canadian government to take action. 

Economic Risks – Service Rewards

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From agriculture to manufacturing to textiles, many parts of the US economy were largely affected by the strike. The workers are considering the potential negotiations and the possibility of their conditions being met. 

Negotiation Time – Says MacKinnon

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The Canadian labor minister took immediate action and called for a ceasefire. In his remarks, he suggested opting to negotiate with the workers’ unions and suggested that this was the best way to make lasting deals.

The Aggrieved Parties

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The Canadian National Railway (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) represent the majority of the country’s railway workers. Their collective decision to protest led to the close of operations that threatened US trade. 

First Bargain to Last Attempt

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Before MacKinnon’s suggestion, there were several unsuccessful attempts to bargain. CN was vocal about disappointment in the lack of favorable conclusions during previous bargaining attempts. 

Trade Disputes Across Borders

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This rail lockout will significantly affect the partnership between Canada and the US. Both countries will have to rethink their policies and trade agreements in light of this occurring again. 

Supply Chain Nightmare, North America

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The North American supply chain has taken the brunt of the fallout. Both retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers face severe shortages and price fluctuations. The resultant disruption will significantly affect their businesses. The damage done might be irreparable.

Economic Fallout After The Lockout

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Consumers are also facing the backlash across many industries. They are now suffering from increased costs and price variations. They are also dealing with shortages for product logistics amidst the lockout. 

The Heartbeat of This Conflict

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Although CN and CKPC are Canada’s railway giants, their reach extends into North America. These companies are the driving force behind the conflict, and their resolution to reach an agreement caused this lockout.

The Rail Worker’s Dilemma

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Their demand for better conditions and fair treatment is what sparked this strike. With their jobs at stake and their lives now subject to the results of this dispute, rail workers are at risk of becoming collateral damage. 

Policy Changes Amidst Unrest

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Legislators now have to reconsider policies to support economic stability and workers’ rights. The policy change suggestion is coming after the severity of this lockout action has come to light. 

Manufacturers Under Fire

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Several manufacturers caught in the crossfire have begun to complain. They cannot continue normal operations due to shortages and are further affected by the need to increase prices due to alternative supply chains.

It’s All A Game of Domino

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Now that the strike has affected supply chains, it threatens to have a domino effect. There will be price fluctuations and manufacturing disruptions; if the effects get severe, there will be potential layoffs. 

Businesses Have Begun To Vent

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Several retailers and wholesalers who rely on just-in-time production are now suffering the backlash and complaining. Goods shortages and cost differences are affecting their markets and causing financial loss.

Canadian Commerce Will Suffer

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This protest might see the US seeking alternative ports or creating their own to avoid future recurrence. Canada’s commerce industry might suffer a backlash if it loses North American trade. 

Labor Unions – The Unashamed Gym Rats

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Canada’s rail workers unions have been flexing their muscles despite being nudged to reopen operations. Until MacKinnon’s intervention, they continued to ensure that the strike action did not stop till a potentially acceptable negotiation was brought up.  

Will MacKinnon’s Interference Work?

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Although uncertain, the labor minister’s intervention has resulted in a ceasefire. The labor unions have now returned to the negotiation tables. Hopefully, both parties will reach favorable agreements, and workers will resume operations without issue.

Will There Be More Port Closures?

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With the ongoing negotiations, there is renewed hope that another railway action like this will be prevented. However, if the matter is not resolved correctly, we expect another action like this.

The Future of Canada’s Trade With US

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While Canada and the US continue to discuss and reevaluate their trade partnership, the hope of continual trade might wane. Due to the volatility of this situation, both governments will need to restrategize and discuss trading with each other again. Do you think the trade agreements will hold after this?

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Adam Melnyk.

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