20 Hidden Costs of Non-Eco-Friendly Choices You Didn’t Know About

It’s easy to ignore the consequences of our actions, but your non-eco-friendly choices have real, human costs. These impacts aren’t just theoretical—they’re affecting people right now. Here are 20 ways your habits are hurting others. 1. Health Impacts from Air Pollution Your reliance on fossil fuels contributes to air pollution, leading to asthma, heart disease, … Read more

22 Surprising Eco Investments Boomers Are Betting On

Boomers are finding that eco-friendly investments aren’t just good for the planet—they’re great for their wallets too. Here are 22 ways they’re going green and making green at the same time. 1. Renewable Energy Stocks Boomers are increasingly investing in renewable energy companies like First Solar. These companies are benefiting from government incentives and growing … Read more