19 Financial Scams Targeting Millennials Right Now

In today’s fast-paced digital world, millennials are facing an increasing number of financial scams designed to part them from their hard-earned money. Are you aware of the latest tricks scammers are using to target your generation? #1. Phishing Emails and Texts Scammers use official-looking emails and texts to trick you into revealing personal information. They … Read more

20 Ways Social Media Is Making You Spend More Money

Social media platforms are not just about connecting with others; they are sophisticated ecosystems designed to boost consumer spending. Here’s a deeper look at how these platforms subtly push you to open your wallet. #1. Targeted Advertising Social media uses complex algorithms to display ads that match your interests and past purchases, subtly persuading you … Read more

20 Ways Big Pharma Is Profiting Off Your Illness

The pharmaceutical industry is known for its significant profits, often at the expense of consumers. Here are 20 methods through which Big Pharma capitalizes on illnesses. #1. High Drug Prices Pharmaceutical companies often set extremely high prices for new drugs, far beyond the cost of production and research. #2. Evergreening Companies make minor modifications to … Read more

Delaware Outrage After Slashing Millions From Hospital Budgets

Under HB 350, Delaware hospitals stand to lose millions of dollars. Opponents of the legislation worry about impacts to patient care. Spending Bill Could Have Unintended Consequences The bill aims to reduce unnecessary spending, but will have a severe practical impact on healthcare in the state. Politician-Run Review Board  Creating an entity called the Diamond … Read more