Recent Polls Indicate Harris Could Be a Better Bet Than Trump and Biden Economically

The 2024 Election season has heated up, and VP Kamala Harris is taking the lead against Trump and Biden on economic issues. Recent polls have shown that her knack for monetary policies and proposals has seriously outshone her male counterparts.

Harris’s Economic Balancing

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Vice President Kamal has begun approaching economic policy with more balance than her more aggressive counterpart, Donald Trump. Her suggestions are a middle ground for voters on different spectrums.

What’s So Different About Her?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Joseph Sohm

While Trump and Biden opt for tax cuts, deregulation, and expansive government spending, Kamala seeks to strike a balance between the two to appeal to different voters. 

Advocacy Vs. National Debt

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Her approach advocates for more targeted investments in critical areas. VP Harris emphasizes the need for fiscal responsibility in infrastructure, healthcare, and education.

The Action Plan

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rich Koele

Additionally, her government seeks countermeasures from Biden’s and Trump’s administrations to deal with the rising national debt problem.

A Sustainable Solution

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Harris wants to use a balanced approach viewed as a pragmatic solution to the country’s economic challenges. Voters concerned about the long-term sustainability of the U.S. economy are praising her for her suggestions.

Economic Relief For The Middle Class

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While many past governments have neglected the middle class, Harris, an ex-prosecutor, seeks to provide them with economic policies that will make them a priority.

What Is She Countering?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

In the past, ex-president Trump introduced tax cuts perceived to benefit the wealthy disproportionately, and Biden started expansive social programs that raised concerns about government overreach. Harris’s proposals are more focused on direct relief for working families.

The Plan Includes…

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Her economic plan includes expanded tax credits for middle-income families, increased support for affordable housing, and enhanced job training programs to help workers adapt to a changing economy. 

So, Any Benefits?

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She has designed these initiatives to address everyday Americans’ economic pressures. Considering factors like rising living costs and unchanging wages, making her policies more relatable and appealing to a broad base of voters.

Modernization vs. the US Economy

Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin

Kamala’s economic vision also highlights the need to modernize the U.S. economy. She has consistently championed investment in green energy, technology, and innovation as key drivers of future economic growth. 

Traditional Vs. Forward-Thinking: Who Will Be President 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Joseph Sohm

Her futuristic approach directly goes against Trump’s focus on traditional industries like manufacturing and fossil fuels and Biden’s attempts to balance climate goals with economic realities.

It’s Not Just About The Environment

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To Vice President Harris, the commitment to green energy and technology is about environmental stewardship and positioning the U.S. as a leader in the future global economy. 

How Can Renewable Energy Help?

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By advocating for investments in renewable energy, electric vehicles, and high-tech industries, she appeals to voters concerned about climate change. Her strategy shows her eagerness for the U.S. to remain competitive worldwide.

Clear Communication On Policies

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Something else that makes Harris stand out in the polls is her ability to communicate her policies and connect with voters effectively. While Trump’s speeches often focus on past economies and Biden’s are more empathic and united, Harris has been clear and consistent in her economic messaging.

The More Detailed, The Better

Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin

VP Kamala is laying out detailed plans that voters can relate to. She’s leveraging on the need for clarity and a straightforward approach to addressing the US’s economic problems.

Kamala Harris Vs The Competiton 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Juli Hansen

This clarity contrasts with her competitors’ sometimes ambiguous or overly complex proposals, making it easier for voters to understand and support her economic platform.

Battling The Unequal Economy

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While economic inequality has become a central issue in American politics, Harris has made it a cornerstone of her economic platform. She has consistently highlighted the need to address income, wealth, and opportunity disparities, which have only worsened in recent years.

Harris’s proposals 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rich Koele

The Democrat Party’s candidate’s suggestions include raising the minimum wage, ensuring pay equity, and providing targeted support to underserved communities. She has also been a vocal advocate for labor rights.

What Rights?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Michael F. Hiatt

Her campaign has included the right to unionize and access to benefits like paid family leave. These policies are designed to strengthen those at an economic disadvantage and make the economy more equitable.

Biden’s Economic Policies: A Foundation

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As Vice President, Harris has had a front-row seat to Biden’s economic agenda, and she has used this experience to build on and refine those policies. While Biden’s presidency has seen significant economic achievements, such as the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Harris has identified areas where further improvements can be made.

Concerned Voters vs. a Concerned Candidate

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Michael F. Hiatt

At the polls, Harris has responded well to voter concerns about the economy. Whether it’s the impact of inflation, fears of a recession, or anxieties about job security, Harris has addressed these issues head-on with concrete proposals. As the 2024 election approaches, she has positioned herself as a strong contender who can navigate the U.S. economy and lead the country toward a more prosperous and equitable future.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or replace professional financial advice.

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