Baby Boomers Voice Concerns About Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Baby boomers are worried about facing mistreatment at work and getting overlooked for job opportunities because of their age. Discrimination Between Demographics When it comes to finding new jobs, many demographics, from women to people of color to members of the LGBTQ+ community, worry that they will face discrimination during the hiring process.  Two-thirds of … Read more

Economic Disparity Deepens with Rental Market Surge, Luxury Housing Flourishes

Despite some improvements in the rising housing market, a report suggests that those with a less affordable income will suffer the worst of it. Here are the reasons why. A Widespread Affordability Crisis Rental affordability in the U.S. has become worse than ever, affecting both high and low-income tenants. Record Numbers Struggling The Harvard Joint … Read more

Middle-Class Seniors Battle Financial Insecurity Post-Retirement

Late-retiring middle-class Americans may be in danger of an unstable and unaffordable retirement, according to a recent analysis.  Retirement in Crisis New research shows that an impending crisis may loom over a specific demographic of U.S. retirees, known as the ‘Forgotten Middle,’ who are likely to face financial struggles in retirement. The “Forgotten Middle” According … Read more

21 Promising Professions Poised to Dominate the 2024 Job Market

The job market in America is constantly evolving, with certain professions experiencing high demand due to technological advancements, economic trends, and societal changes. This list highlights 21 of the most sought-after jobs in the country. #1. Registered Nurses The demand for registered nurses continues to grow as the healthcare industry expands, providing critical patient care … Read more