Michigan Governor Against the Clock to Resolve Budget Crisis as Election Looms

Time could be running out for Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer. 

From Bestseller to Political Thriller

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gints Ivuskans

Governor Whitmer must be riding high. She’s just released a bestselling memoir, had a recent star turn at the Democratic National Convention, and people – including Nancy Pelosi – are singing her praises sky-high.

Pelosi’s Praise

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According to Pelosi, “She has been remarkable. Every time I hear her speak, I think sharp. Sharp in her message. Sharp in her effectiveness.” But back home, not everyone is convinced. As her second term clock is ticking down to November, people have started to question: What about all those campaign promises that got her elected in the first place?

The Rocky Road to Re-election

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gints Ivuskans

Whitmer’s first term wasn’t exactly smooth sailing. She dealt with a divided government and a global pandemic – but managed to score some wins despite the chaos.

Whitmer’s Greatest Hits

Image Credit: Shutterstock / SomYuZu

In the past few years, Whitmer has codified abortion rights, repealed the “right-to-work” law, put in multiple gun violence prevention measures, and rolled out some juvenile justice reforms. She also expanded the earned income tax credit and made school meals free for all public school kids.

The Elephant in the Room

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sharomka

While this is all great, the people who voted for her are waiting for a lot of big promises that are still remaining.

A Pothole-Sized Problem

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The big one first – “fix the damn roads.” This catchy pledge struck a chord with Michiganders, who were tired of dodging potholes. Fast forward to now, six years on, and… the roads are still a mess.

The Gas Tax That Ran Out of Fuel

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Whitmer tried to get a 45-cent gas tax increase to fund road repairs, but the GOP quickly shut that down.

State Bonds To The Rescue

Image Credit: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

She had to resort to using $3.5 billion in state bonds to fund part of the project and then managed to get a further $2 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This was helpful, but it’s not the long-term solution Michiganders were hoping for.

Debt and Dollars

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In fact, the state is now facing long-term debt due to this policy, and experts are worried that the money they have isn’t going to stretch far enough to finish – especially with construction and material prices rising.

Road Repair Gap

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dudarev Mikhail

Michigan’s yearly funding gap for road repairs is sitting dead still at $3.9 billion per year.

A Minimum Wage Mirage

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Michigan residents might also remember Whitmer pushed for a  $15 minimum wage during her campaign. Back in 2018, it seemed like Michigan was on track to raise the minimum wage, but the GOP found a way around this and essentially gutted the proposals by adopting them (a tactic called adopt and amend.)

The $15 Dream

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jirsak

In the end, there was a pay rise, but it was a lot less than people had been expecting – and the current minimum wage is still far off $15.

The Supreme Court Speaks

Image Credit: Shutterstock / PIC SNIPE

The Michigan Supreme Court did recently rule that adopt-and-amend was unconstitutional – which should have been a win for workers.

But Who’s Listening?

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But business groups are pushing back hard, and Whitmer has been notably silent on the issue. Some experts claim that Whitmer might be about to compromise with business groups – a cold comfort to the people who were counting on her to fight for a living wage.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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Transparency was another big-ticket item on Whitmer’s to-do list, but that’s also a sticking point. Michigan is one of the few states where the governor’s office and the Legislature are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) – which Whitmer promised to change. Six years later, and nothing’s changed.

NDAs and Memos

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bits And Splits

Critics have called out Whitmer for using nondisclosure agreements for economic development deals – which doesn’t really scream “transparency.” There’s also been some controversy over a memo requiring executive office approval for public record requests.

Too Little, Too Late?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Inside Creative House

While there has been some progress on a bill that would make the governor’s office subject to FOIA, it won’t kick in until 2027 – long after Whitmer’s time in office is over. For many Michiganians, it’s too little, too late.

Michigan’s Water Worries

Image Credit: Pexels / Luis Quintero

And let’s not forget about Michigan’s water. Whitmer promised to crack down on companies like Nestlé, which has been bottling Michigan groundwater for next to nothing while residents in places like Flint struggle with water issues. There hasn’t been much movement on that front either.

Can Whitmer Pull Off a Miracle?

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With the end of her term in sight, supporters are hoping Whitmer can pull off some last-minute wins – especially in areas that have huge financial stakes for Michigan. But for some, there’s a sense that the clock is running out.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin.

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