Social Security Myths Impacting Boomers

Social Security is a crucial part of retirement planning, yet it’s surrounded by misconceptions. How much do you really know about your benefits? #1. Social Security Is Going Bankrupt It’s not going bankrupt; Social Security funds are projected to be sufficient until 2034. After that, the system can still pay 79% of benefits even without … Read more

Domino’s Response to Tip Creep is to Reward Customers Who Tip

A new promotional offer from one of America’s biggest pizza chains has called out the country’s growing frustration with unnecessary tipping.  Tipping Fatigue? Americans are experiencing ‘tipping fatigue’ en masse, as more and more businesses request more tips, more frequently. Companies like Dominoes are looking to address the exhaustion. “You Tip, We Tip” The iconic … Read more

AARP Study Highlights Financial Woes Across Generations

According to the latest AARP Financial Security Trends Survey, more young Americans are feeling optimistic about the future of their finances. Unfortunately, it’s not all plain sailing – as the older generation’s worries are piling up. Financial Outlook for Americans New survey results from AARP are painting a unique picture of American society. Rising Optimism … Read more