21 States Granting Squatters Legal Claim to Properties

Discover how squatters’ rights, or adverse possession, are more than just legal jargon—they’re stories of unexpected twists in the world of real estate. From sunny California to the historical landscapes of Pennsylvania, here’s how these laws could turn the tables on homeowners and squatters alike. #1. California: Sunshine and Surprise Tenants In California, squatters only … Read more

The Millennials’ Guide to Financial Independence

Embarking on a journey toward financial stability can be daunting, but armed with the right knowledge and strategies, it becomes an achievable goal. Let’s explore actionable steps to effectively assess, plan, and navigate your financial future. First, Assess Your Current Financial Situation Calculate your net worth by subtracting debts from assets.  “Know where you stand … Read more

Avoid Audits and Boost Refunds: New IRS Checklist Simplifies Filing

As tax season approaches, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has introduced a checklist designed to make the tax filing process easier for 2023 returns. The checklist includes a mix of traditional preparation tips and provides new technological aids. The IRS’s updated guidance follows the country’s tax authority’s increased scrutiny of taxpayers with more audits. Preparation … Read more

Protect Your Wealth in Turbulent Times With These 9 Investments Resilient to Recessions

Worried about the future? Here are nine potential resilient assets that could help you weather the storm and thrive during a financial crisis. Economic Forecast According to a recent survey from the National Association for Business Economics, 76% of economists believe that the USA’s chance of entering into a recession in 2024 is 50% or … Read more