Georgia’s $4.6 Billion Toll Gamble: Will Privatizing Pay Off?

Georgia is about to dive into one of the most expensive and controversial road projects in its history. 

Georgia’s $4.6 Billion Gamble

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Viacheslav Nikolaenko

Georgia has just made a massive deal that’s got everyone’s chin wagging – and not in a good way.

50 Years of Tolls

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The state has decided to hand over control of 16 miles of new toll lanes on GA-400 to a private company, SR 400 Peach Partners, for a massive 50 years. For the next half-century, this private group will be raking in tolls from drivers who opt to use the express lanes.

The Biggest Project in State History

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But what’s even wilder is the price tag of $4.6 billion – making it the most expensive project in Georgia’s history.

Off the Hook or on the Line?

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Now, before you start thinking, “Well, at least my taxes aren’t going up,” let’s take a look at what this really means. Sure, the state won’t be shelling out the full $4.6 billion upfront – that burden is mostly on Peach Partners, who outbid their competition by offering the state $4 billion just to complete the deal. 

How Will $1.83 Per Mile Tolls Impact Your Commute?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / EAKARAT BUANOI

But nothing comes for free. Peach Partners gets to collect tolls from drivers for the next five decades to make that money back – and then some.

The New Deadline for GA-400’s Overhaul

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Slava Dumchev

If you thought traffic was bad now, just wait until you hear the details. This project was supposed to be wrapped up by this year, but now we’re looking at a 2031 completion date – with a skyrocketing cost to accompany that. 

Georgia’s Engineering Chief on the Massive Undertaking

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Georgia has never seen a project this expensive before, and taxpayers are largely off the hook – for now, anyway. GDOT (Georgia Department of Transportation) Chief Engineer Meg Pirkle hinted at the enormity of the task, saying, “Doing something like this is not a small undertaking. It is a long-term commitment.” 

Georgia’s First Private Toll Road

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But the real kicker here is that Georgia has handed complete control over to SR 400 Peach Partners – the first time the state has tried something like this. 

Prioritizing Construction

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The idea is to speed up construction while keeping taxpayer expenses to a minimum, but whether or not that will work out as planned remains to be seen.

Beyond Tolls

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These news tolls are purely for using the express lane, but this project isn’t just about toll lanes. It’s also supposed to improve transit options along Ga. 400, with new lanes for MARTA and Xpress buses, plus two brand-new stations to boost MARTA’s bus rapid transit plans. 

The Future of Commuting

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Drazen Zigic

These stations should help ease the gridlock that makes commuting on Ga. 400 a daily nightmare. But with construction not starting until 2025 and the lanes expected to open in 2031, who knows what could happen.

Why Georgia Chose Privatization Over Public Funding

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

But why has the state decided to go private with the Ga. 400 lanes? Well, according to GDOT, when the initial bids came in, the costs were way higher than expected. Turning to a private partner was seen as the only way to get the project done faster and cheaper – or so they say.

Peach Partners’ $4 Billion Concession

Image Credit: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

In the end, Peach Partners secured the contract by offering the state a $4 billion concession payment – $744 million more than their competition. 

Cashing In On Those Subsidies

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That’s a hefty sum that will be paid to the state within a year, freeing up almost $900 million that had been reserved for subsidies.

Public Interests vs. Private Profits

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Still, this whole setup has people talking about whether Georgia is giving too much power to private companies. 

What’s the New Cost of Speed?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Freedomz

And here’s where things get even trickier. These new tolls won’t be like the ones Georgia drivers remember. No more 50-cent toll booths like the ones that got scrapped in 2013. 

A High-Tech, High-Cost Future

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

Instead, it’s all electronic, with rates that can shoot up depending on traffic. If you’re planning to use the express lanes, expect tolls that could go as high as $1.83 per mile during peak times. 

Will Drivers Pay Up?

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The idea is to keep traffic flowing at 55 mph, but will these new lanes actually deliver on their promise? If the tolls get too high, drivers might just stick to the free lanes – making the whole project a bit of a gamble.

A 50-Year Forecast

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A lot can change with a 50-year contract, and whether drivers will still be willing to pay the tolls decades from now remains to be seen. These are questions that won’t be answered for years – if not decades. One thing’s certain – drivers are in for a long and expensive ride.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Irina Mikhailichenko.

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