The DOJ Could Be About To Kill Google

Google could be about to be in BIG trouble.

Google’s Day of Reckoning?

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The rumor mill is on fire at the moment following the news that Google could be about to see its day of reckoning. 

Breaking Up the Giant?

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The Justice Department and state attorneys general are reportedly tossing around some huge ideas to curb Google’s dominance in online search. We’re not just talking about a slap on the wrist – there’s talk of breaking the company up. 

The Internet Titan on the Chopping Block

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Yep, you read that right – Google, the internet giant that practically owns the online search market, might be on the chopping block. The implications of this could be world-changing.

The Spark That Lit the Fire

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

But why? Well, this news comes a week after a federal judge’s ruling that found Google guilty of holding an illegal monopoly over internet searches.

Bombshell Decision

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The court decision was a bombshell and has blown the lid off discussions that have been simmering for years about the company’s stranglehold on the market.

Silicon Valley’s Sweating

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The ruling was a big deal, not just for Google but for all the big names in Silicon Valley. Apple, Amazon, and Meta are all probably sweating right now.

The Billion-Dollar Question

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Government officials are currently debating how to fix the problem, but what exactly are they going to do about it? That’s the billion-dollar question. One of the most extreme – and let’s be honest, kind of wild – suggestions is to break up Google.

Dismantling the Empire

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

This could mean splitting off parts of its empire, like the Chrome browser or Android operating system – both of which have been key in keeping Google’s search engine on top.

Google’s Secret Weapons

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But that’s not all. There’s also talk of forcing Google to share its treasure trove of data with competitors or banning those behind-the-door deals that make Google the default search engine on iPhones and other devices. 

Google Without Its Crown Jewels

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

All these things have helped Google stay on top for decades, and without them the company will be in uncharted waters. If the government goes a certain way, it could change the tech landscape in ways we haven’t ever seen. 

Echoes of Microsoft

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The stakes are huge. You might be old enough to remember what happened with Microsoft back in 2000. The government tried to break them up too, and although that didn’t stick it still shook the industry enough to make room for other players – like Google – to rise up.

Google’s Meteoric Rise

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Let’s backtrack a bit, though. How on earth did we get here? Well, Google’s rise to power is the stuff of legends. What started as a small search engine turned into a $2 trillion empire, thanks to its iron grip over online searches and the advertising industry built around it.

The Price of Success

Image Credit: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

Last year alone, Google raked in a massive $175 billion from these businesses. And how did they do it? By making sure that whenever you pull out your iPhone or open Firefox, Google is right there as the default search engine.

A Target on Its Back

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Freedomz

But that success has come at a cost, and now the company is staring down the barrel of a governmental gun.

The Fight of Its Life

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Google isn’t going down without a fight. The company has already said it plans to appeal the ruling, and you can bet it will throw everything it has into that fight. But even if Google manages to avoid a breakup it’s clear that its days of running the industry are numbered.

Smaller Competitors Smell Blood

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

And then there are the smaller competitors who’ve been struggling to keep up with Google for years. 

DuckDuckGo’s Moment

Image Credit: Shutterstock / rafapress

Take DuckDuckGo, for example. They’ve been pushing for changes for a while now and are seizing this moment to call for some serious reforms. DuckDuckGo has suggested that the government should ban those default search engine agreements and open up Google’s data to other companies.

Watchdog in the Wings

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They’re even asking for an independent body to be set up in order to oversee these changes and make sure Google plays by the rules.

The Unthinkable Becomes Possible

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The idea of Google being forced to split off major parts of its business is almost unthinkable, but that’s what’s currently on the table. With a September 6th hearing fast approaching, the clock is ticking for the Justice Department and Google to figure out what’s next.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Uladzik Kryhin.

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