Former Offenders Receive Hope Through Innovative Reentry Programs

A new rule by the U.S. The Department of Housing and Urban Development could see former offenders having an easier time securing a roof over their heads. 

HUD Proposes Groundbreaking Housing Rule

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The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) just announced a proposal that could radically change things for people with criminal records trying to find a place to live.

Potential Impact on People with Criminal Records

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If this rule goes through, it could mean fewer barriers and more opportunities for people who have been stuck on the sidelines.

Rewriting The Rules

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HUD is looking to rewrite the rulebook for public and assisted housing programs, making it easier for people with past run-ins with the law to get a roof over their heads. 

Ending Automatic Disqualifications

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No more getting automatically booted out of the running just because of a criminal record – this new rule requires Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and landlords to investigate further and consider the recency and relevancy of any convictions before making a decision.

Targeting Racial Disparities in Housing

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This move aims to put an end to the blanket bans that have kept so many people, especially Black and Brown communities, out of stable housing. 

A Focus on Equality

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It’s an approach that recognizes that people with criminal histories can reintegrate into society and should not be consistently punished for past mistakes.

New “Lookback Period” for Criminal History

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One of the biggest changes is that the HUD wants to limit how far back housing providers can look at your criminal history. The new rule would create a “lookback period,” where they’d only be able to consider convictions from the past three years. 

Fairness and Due Process

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If a housing provider decides to deny someone based on their criminal record, they now have to give the applicant at least 15 days to challenge the decision. This gives people a fair shot to set the record straight and show they’ve turned their lives around.

Personalized Evaluation of Applicants

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The new rule would also require housing authorities to take a more personalized approach. They will need to look at each applicant’s unique situation. 

Considering Rehabilitation Efforts and Mitigating Factors

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That means considering how long ago the offense happened, any steps the person has taken to rehabilitate themselves, and other mitigating factors. It’s about judging the person they are now, not who they were.

Guidelines for PHAs and Landlords

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To make sure everyone’s on the same page, HUD is asking PHAs and landlords to update their policies and make them public within six months of the rule taking effect. This is to promote transparency and make sure the new rules are applied fairly across the board.

Protecting Privacy

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The rule also adds serious protections around the use of criminal records. PHAs must get your consent before checking your record, and they can’t use arrests alone as a reason to deny housing. Only convictions count, and they need solid evidence – not just assumptions.

Expanding Coverage Across HUD Programs

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The new rule isn’t just for public housing – it covers a wide range of HUD programs, from Section 8 to housing for the elderly and disabled. Even owners participating in the Housing Choice Voucher and Project-Based Voucher programs will need to follow these new rules. 

Equality Across Housing Programs

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It’s an attempt by the Biden administration to make sure everyone gets a fair chance, no matter what program they are in.

Addressing Historical Housing Inequities

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Most housing experts acknowledge that housing policies have been especially tough on Black and Brown people, Native Americans, and other marginalized groups. This thought is part of the reason HUD is pushing for new rules to level the playing field. 

Creating A Fairer System

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By implementing these changes, HUD wants to create a more just housing system that recognizes that people can turn their lives around and make a positive impact on our communities. 

Public Safety Benefits

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Research shows that giving former offenders stable housing can actually reduce crime rates. When people have a secure place to live, they’re less likely to end up back in trouble, which overall strengthens public safety. 

Concerns Over Implementation

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While there are some worries about the adoption of this rule, HUD has explained that it doesn’t mean everyone with a criminal record will automatically meet the same rules as everyone else applying for housing.

Clarifying Misconceptions

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Landlords still have the right to reject applicants who they believe will pose a threat to the safety and well-being of all tenants.

HUD’s Intent

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As they write in their policy proposal, “What the proposed rule would bar is the categorical, blanket exclusion of people with criminal records without regard to all relevant and contextualizing evidence and consideration of the full life someone has lived.”

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The post Former Offenders Receive Hope Through Innovative Reentry Programs first appeared on Liberty & Wealth.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels / Diva Plavalaguna.

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