Budget Deficit Crisis: Why More Americans Are Falling Into Poverty

The ripple effect of government deficit concerns will affect many Americans. Goods and services are increasing, and still there are only more additions that could bankrupt families.  Increasing Deficit up by 27% The United States Government has increased the deficit this year to 27%, which has multiple effects on the economy. According to the Congressional … Read more

“Another One Bites The Dust” – Walgreens to Close Over 600 Doors Due to Inflation Woes

Walgreens is one of the latest companies to be struck down by the challenges of inflation. American families and company owners are all facing a similar fate. Here’s what happened.  Closing Doors To Survive  The spokesperson for Walgreens has announced the company’s plan to close almost 700 branches throughout the country because of inflation costs.  … Read more

Inflation Squeezes Hooters: America’s Favorite Restaurant Chain Makes Stark Decision on Closures

Financial difficulties hit a much-loved American favorite, Hooters restaurant, as inflation gets even some of the best brands. Where will local American diners enjoy their favorite chicken, hamburgers, and fries done the Hooters’ way? Here’s the story.  No Business Is Safe  Various businesses are fighting the pinch of financial strain, which directly results from inflation. … Read more